Sunday, April 2, 2017

Small Brief 3 - Another magazine layout.

Because he was happy with what I had previously produced, Wez had come to me again with a similar brief. He wanted images laid out in a similar style to tank magazine. Although i didn't think id learn any new skills i decided to undertake this brief as practice, and to reinforce the skills i had learnt with the past two projects.

The process was exactly the same for the other briefs, research tank magazine to become familiar with the layout and typefaces etc and then recreate it as best as possible whilst responding to the look and feel of the images.

This was a very simple brief and i didn't have any difficulty in completing it, and as i suspected it only served as a way of getting more experience and being more comfortable with editorial design.

Wez was happy with it and it answered his brief so it was a success, because this didn't have any significant value to me and was so similar to the first magazine layout i did i have decided not to produce design boards for this brief.

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