Monday, April 3, 2017

Collaborative Practice Outcomes and Evaluation.

After the fourth week in the group, my role became very organisational.  I made sure that each week we all knew what it was we were doing, that we had roles that suited our skill set and that the work load was equal and fair. Then at the end of each session i made sure we all know what to have for the next session and when to meet up.

Towards the end, i had more of a practical role as we were all chipping in to get thing finished. I was using my knowledge as a graphic designer to help lay out the poster using a grid system and I translated the ideas the two other members had about typefaces into actual fonts, taking the elements the wanted and finding typefaces that matched what they wanted. as part of the packing consideration i though it would be nice to reinforce our theme through the brand. I did this by putting a little snorkel on the Bear mascot, however in the end it didn't get used.

 The different colours mark out different elements for the layout.

Our final outcome:

Overall i'm really pleased with the outcome of this brief. I think out group worked really well together, and we had little to no problems agreeing to the way things should be done or made. We each utilised our skill sets which captures the essence of a collaborative brief. We all had our own roles and we fulfilled them which i think ultimately allowed this project to run smoothly.

Im also really happy with the outcomes, i think it looks exactly how i imagined when we first planned what we wanted to do for the brief, showing that our vision was clear from the get go. If i were to do this brief again, i would have liked to have more time to work on everything. Although our final outcomes reflect what we set out to do, i think with more time we could have made it more polished. Towards the end i think some compromises were made in terms of style and execution in order to get the work done on time. Despite this i think we answered the brief thoroughly and benefited from the collaborative experience which i think is the whole point of this module.

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