Substantial brief:
When choosing a substantial brief, I think like everyone, I went straight to competition websites like YCN and D&AD. When looking through the websites nothing really jumped out at me or caught my attention. I began looking around at alternative websites but luckily at this point in the module a friend had messaged me about doing an album cover his band, This was something that interested me as i had never done it before and being able to have a discussion with my friend about the deliverables for the brief seemed a lot more appealing to me than a competition brief so this is what I settled on for my substantial brief.
Smaller briefs:
One of my housemates is on the photography course, for one of her briefs she had to do a shoot and put it together to look like a pre-existing magazine. She passed on my name to a friend off her course who had to do the same thing but for a different magazine. These briefs felt easy enough to be considered small briefs but substantial enough to require research and certain skills that the photographers didn't have.
Other briefs:
Keeping time management in mind, I would like to complete a piece of work to submit to NEST but that will all depend on how much time I have running up to the nest deadline.
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