Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Product, Range and Distribution - The Brief

This brief is in two parts -

Part 1: Based on the introductory sessions develop a practical, visual and contextual investigation of a specific subject (an issue). You should aim to develop research from a range of primary and secondary sources in order to fully explore the opportunities for informed creative development. Your research and development of this part of the brief should be documented on your Studio Practice blog and will be presented as part of your interim concept pitch.

Part 2: Devise and develop a body of practical work that both distils your knowledge of an identified issue and demonstrates your ability to tap into the market potential for socially, politically and ethically-driven design. This output should still work within the broader creative and professional contexts of graphic design but could be based around ideas of awareness or protest.

Looking at this brief carefully i have set out some personal aims for this brief:

- Spend time gathering in depth research
- Accurately represent that research through my practical response.

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