Monday, October 19, 2015

Experimental Jetset Whitney Rebrand.

Initially, I felt that it was visually heavy on the left hand side as it has the bold text of the 'Whitney, and on the right, is just open, white space. However the bold text versus the slim, sleek 'W, compliment each other.

The Simplistic, sleek, modern look means it works well in black and white and would also work well in many other colours and is very versatile in terms of the colour choice to compliment the logo.

They made the decision to not keep the form of the 'W' so depending on the context the 'W' acts as plynth to showcase the work holding it up or wrapping around the work to frame it. The zig zag is also shorthand symbol for all kinds of instructions from musical notation to stage directions, therefore represents the diverse content of the whitney museum.

As it is, the logo looks really formal however when put into context and the 'W' is distorted it becomes more playful and informal meaning that.

Obviously as we have a certain level of visual literacy, lot of these factors that we've noticed may go unnoticed however. i think that adds to the how effective the rebrand is.  The 'W' frames the work so well it almost goes unnoticed. The W achieves the aims set out by the designers on a number of levels it reflects the architecture of the building and it works seamlessly with the artwork in order to frame it and advertise it successfully. Overall I think this was a very successful rebrand.

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