Monday, October 5, 2015

OUG403 - Study Task One Feedback.


Overall, the main points of our peer feedback were:

- Good research into the company and understanding of the companies services and dedication to customer service.

- Thorough research into typeface and colour and  justification of design decisions.

-Good experimentation regarding colour and the name change and was agreed that our choice was the most effective out of our experiments

-The use of the flame within the counted was visually effective and didn't effect legibility.

- There could have been more images within our presentation and less writing.

- Could have done more research into other companies i.e. naming conventions. 

Tutor feedback:

- Good observation and critiques about current logo however we said the current logo was unfriendly but we didn't say why.

- Presentation could have less text and could have been replaced with visual examples.

- Good investigation into use of colour

- Good use of type terminology.

- The kerning needs improving

- Some felt the blue and the idea of 'heat' were contradictory.

General feedback to the class:

Outstanding presentation skills but more confidence is needed in the work we have created. we were enthused and passionate about the work but need to avoid using terms such as 'nice' and 'good'. 
We need to consider and reflect on the most difficult aspect of the task
Try and link design decisions to recognised theory and avoid over complicating things.

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