Sunday, January 1, 2017

Design for screen.

For this module, I decided to take the roll of the consumer and think about what problems i had when using the internet. In particular there were two websites I used quite often that I had trouble with.

The one I chose to focus on was This is a site that is very similar to youtube except the content is specifically acoustic and live sessions from musicians. The issue i had with this website i that when you clicked on a video, a number of suggestions would come up beneath. meaning i would then click on a another video which in turn would bring up another load of suggested videos. This meant that after a short while on the site i had an obscene amount of tabs up on my page. there was no way of liking videos or saving them for later and this was one of the things i wanted to impliment. However, when i came to redesigning the website, unluckily, it was rebranded, redesigned and re launched despite being inactive for a year leaving me no choice but to choose something else and start again which set me back quite a long way.

I went with the other websote i had an issue with, it is excatly the same issue expect with images, not videos. is an image bookmarking site that is invite inly, meaning that i cannot go on and like various images and keep track of what ive liked or see them again at a later date and thats the issues i began with.

for my redesign of i made it look more modern and sleek. As there is no theme to the images, keeping the webpage as simple as possible would prevent on contrasting designs on the page.

I added a about section, a sign in section, a for you section and upload. This means that anyone could join and upload pictures to the site. The for you section used algorythms already imbedded in the original site to make suggestions of images you may like based on previous likes. Also on you personal profile there is simply a collection of the images you have liked making it easy to go back and see them.

I made the site responsive so it could be used on phones and used inspiration from my research to make it as easy and possible to view and use. The mobile site is simply a scroll and like design just like instagram and twitter.

Overall i like the website i have design in such a short amount of time, despite my setback i feel like i have answered the brief successfuly and the site is enjoyable to use.

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