I had originally used Instagram as a way of recording and talking about my images as i had taken them whilst travelling so most of them are square, due to this I naturally leaned towards a square shaped publication as this would allow the images to be full bleed however the more I went down this path, the more I noticed I was straying from my original concept that was to be a zine like publication that was easily portable for travellers, sticking to the theme of the images which were taken whilst I was travelling and staying in hostels. I had set out the book to be 20x20 but i'm going to experiment with some sizes that are more synonymous with zines.
From my research I have come to the conclusion that I would like to keep the publication quite small, definitely less than A4 and use a stock that is substantial enough to resist general ware and tear that comes from transporting it around. I also like the idea of the publication being able to lay flat so that the reader doesn't have to fight with the pages to keep it open so I am hoping to use saddle stitch or staples.
I did a small experiment of a saddle stitch bound book but with a hard cover, the overall effect of doing this makes it look neat and smart and would definitely make it more durable, however as my publication is likely to be quite thin, it means there is a large amount of space around the spine of the book which makes it uneven when laid flat, something I hope to avoid.
For this I bound the two small books with a thick cover using saddle stitch.
Overall the smaller A6 version was the favourite however some said that doing it A5 would allow for larger images. I would like to stay true to zine production and decided to choose functionality and portability over larger images. As the images aren't great quality I dont think having them slightly bigger would make much difference to the overall effect of the content.
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