Thursday, March 24, 2016

Design Principles - Study Task 6

What is a book?

To me, a book is a number of pages that have been bound together and is usually of a substantial length, however this term can mean different thing to different people and is up for interpretation. A book can be a lot of things, it can tell a story. display work, contain memories, or provide information. How effectively a book does each of these things can depend on the type of bind, the stock and the size. For example, you wouldn't print a novel on translucent paper, or try to make a scrap book with 60 GSM paper. That would be completely impractical. 

These three images display different methods of binding a book. each bind creates a different effect and changes how the book will look and ultimately read, it can also determine how durable and how long a book will last as the permanency of  the bind varies.

 Stock also effects the overall look of a book, it can also determine how a book reads too. If the stock is thick the pages will need to be held open and will not lay flat, different stock also allows for different effects, such as embossing.

Using certain colours can give an overarching theme to a book, maybe using a mono tone colour scheme or limiting yourself to one like in this example.

using a combination of thick stock and thin stock can be really effective if done right, for example using a thicker stock to print images on and thinner pages for body text etc.

All of these factors go into making a publication and even subtle design decisions can make a huge difference.

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