Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Licence to print money

I was quite unsure of what the aim of this brief was because I found the brief on estudio to be quite confusing but after talking to Simon I decided to loosely Come up with my own interpretation of the brief.  To me this brief is about reinventing and redefining the bank note as digital methods of pay sits on the edge of taking over. With that my aim is to redesign the bank note into something I feel is more relevant in today's society. 

Bank notes have survived electronic banking for a long time as credit/debit cards and pay pal have existed for a long time. My concept/idea is a modern redesign of the British bank note to make it more convenient and pleasurable to use. For me this means taking into consideration size, material, colour and design. 

In light of this, experimenting with polymer or something similar for the bank note will be appropriate.
Id like to take the size of the notes into consideration and make them a bit smaller. As my purse is quite small it doesn’t hold larger notes comfortably so I wanted to address this problem as I'm sure I'm not the only one. A slimmer design will be more convenient for all purses/wallets and tills.

Taking inspiration from the other banknotes I decided that modern looking design and colour were important. So at first I looked at modern looking geometric patterns like the circles and lines

I combined some of these elements and I found a design I really like. I kept the pink colour and used it for the geometric pattern to give it a modern look and then gave the note some finer details to make it more interesting and visually engaging.

I’m actually really really pleased with how this turned out. It took a long time to get the stencil sorted with all the small details but after it was done the printing process was really enjoyable because I just really just love screen printing. A lot of aspects of my bank note wouldn’t be apparent unless you had a whole set printed and they were printed on my desired material, however I think the design is really sleek and modern looking and therefore achieving the aims I had set out for myself 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Speaking from experience. disaster

Before embarking on doing this task iknew i was going to be hard pushed for time due to the amount of other things I have to do.

Then after getting sick it meant that i couldn't realise any of the designs i had produced and that really annoyed me because i felt confident in my idea and that it would work well and would be a good learning experience.

To me this project was a disaster because it was rushed and i didn't get the chance to really consider my deigns and message or experiment like id hoped and im quite dissapointed.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Development Secret 7

For one of my ideas I wanted to write the lyric on the front of the sleeve but use a thesaurus to change the words so that it wouldn’t be apparent what song it was.
After that I had to decide how I wanted to present it on the front of the sleeve. I had recently seen some work by a poet called Tyler knott Gregson who produces a typewriter series of poetry.

I then wanted to play around with the idea of hiding in plain sight so I put the actual lyrics on the sleeve and covered them with a think line so that the text was obscured just enough for it to not be glaringly obvious what it was. The black and white was too bland so I added a background image in that I think complimented the lyrics nicely and works well with the messages in the song.

My next ideas were more conceptual. I recently went to see The Danish Girl and some of the messages in the film reminded me of messages from the song. Particularly Garratt says the song is about letting someone go because you love them so much and I feel that is a huge part of the story in the Danish Girl. When I went to see it I got a really lovely old fashioned cinema ticket so I thought it would be interesting and quite abstract to have that on the cover.

My other idea was about the idea of worry and asking someone to share their worries. This reminded me of the phrase “penny for your thoughts” I had originally though about just photographing pennies but then I wanted to do something a little more interesting I ended up with an etching of a penny on a post it note, even though it is kind of random I really loved the texture and thought it was a lot more interesting to look at.

For my final idea I wanted to make a series of images that I could use for all 7 sleeves