Messsage: The truth behind smoking heroine.
Key facts: Heroine makes you spotty, unhealthy, tired, consumes your life, highly addictive, risk of blood disease, liver damage and heart failure.
Tone of voice: Fairly informal
Audience: Young people. potential and current drug users.
I think i'll stick to this theme and create a leaflet aimed at students who are potential or current drug users.
having spoke to friends and people that i know, they say that the potential risks associated with drugs won't put them off taking them as they consider themselves recreational drug users. Most deaths from these drugs occur from taking a double dose whilst waiting for the first to kick in so i think a leaflet that talks about how long they take to kick in and how long the effects last for would be good, as well as talk about what effects they can expect to have and what forms the drugs come in. This way if people choose to do drugs or people that already do, will be able to do so in a safer manner.